No Signal, but Scanning
Problem: No signal, but scanning
Common causes:
Common causes:
- Incorrect detector selected
- Detector not properly connected
- Detector power not proper
- Beam blocked
- Low throughput accessory
- Failed source
- Fogged beamsplitter
- Liquid nitrogen cooled detector not cold
- Failed detector
- Electronic fault
- Small aperture selected.
- Verify correct detector for spectral range, scan speed, is selected in software. Slow response detectors, such as DTGS detectors, will not response well at high scan speeds.
- Verify detector is positioned correctly and connected. Check power at detector.
- Follow infrared beam (conceptually, as it is not visible). Make sure path is unobstructed. Does problem exist with accessories removed?
- Verify source is on. If not on, remove and test for open source element. If source is OK, suspect power supply is bad.
- Inspect beamsplitter for fogging, replace if necessary.
- Cool liquid nitrogen detector.
- Swap detector/electronics/power supplies, one at a time.
- Select larger aperture size.